Information Hub

The iia Information Hub aims to provide material which will be of value to iia members. Information sources will be categorised so as to collate data into recognisable and useful areas of interest. We aim to ensure that listed categories are dynamic so that they can be updated to reflect changing areas of interest and concern.

Members are invited to login to access the contents of this hub. If you are not a member and would like to become a member of iia click on the link.
国际辐照协会会员身份增强了您的发言权。它确保重要信息得以共享和传播,并提供访问我们会员知识库的权限 会员资格开放给从事辐射加工业务或科学的组织,包括供应商、消费者、监管机构以及学术机构。国际辐照协会的影响力覆盖全球,代表着一个多样化的社区,涵盖了从中小型企业到跨越多个行业领域的大型跨国组织。
国际辐照协会(iia)是一个非营利组织,旨在支持全球辐照产业和科学界。 协会的核心目标是支持会员推进辐照的安全和有益使用。沟通、教育和倡导是 iia 代表其会员和更广泛的辐照行业执行的关键职能。

Our Industry Initiatives operate in conjunction with the iia, but function as separate entities focused on specific areas of interest to the irradiation industry. These initiatives are either wholly or partially managed by the iia, with aims to support the irradiation industry and scientific community...

Updated January 2024 Paul Wynne – iia Chairman, United Kingdom Involved in the irradiation industry since 1987 and held operational roles including CFO (Isotron) and Regional CEO (Synergy Health). A founding director of iia in 2004. Iia General Manager 2011 – 2023 and...

Members Only

The iia is a not-for-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. The organisation is registered for tax which is payable on income such as deposit interest and a proportion of any surplus on conferences and events. Tax is not payable on an excess of membership...

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