Information Hub

The iia Information Hub aims to provide material which will be of value to iia members. Information sources will be categorised so as to collate data into recognisable and useful areas of interest. We aim to ensure that listed categories are dynamic so that they can be updated to reflect changing areas of interest and concern.

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IMRP 2024, held in Costa Rica in November 2024, provided an excellent forum for sharing information and updates related to radiation processing science and industry. With a program covering many topics, the IMRP 2024 program provided impactful content for a diverse audience. Members of the...

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The French Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS) just published a book (in French) on the history of Radiation-Induced Reactions Studies in France from the 19th Century to the Present Day. This book will be of high interest to radiation chemists around the world who will learn...

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Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications includes topics at the interface of the biomedical sciences and materials engineering. These topics include: • Bioinspired and biomimetic materials for medical applications • Materials of biological origin for medical applications • Materials for "active" medical applications • Self-assembling and...

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The Proceedings of the 19th International Meeting on Radiation Processing are now available as a Special Issue of Radiation Physics and Chemistry for which the guest editors were Gustavo Varca and Yves Henon. The issue contains the following 22 articles that were peer reviewed: Preparation of...

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Gustavo Varca gave one of the opening presentations at IMRP19  where he explored radiation processing in the nano era. In order to upload the ppt the section dividers had to be removed. These were: Overview of Nano Technologies - After slide 1 Radiation Technologies for Nono -...

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