Information Hub

The iia Information Hub aims to provide material which will be of value to iia members. Information sources will be categorised so as to collate data into recognisable and useful areas of interest. We aim to ensure that listed categories are dynamic so that they can be updated to reflect changing areas of interest and concern.

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IMRP 2024, held in Costa Rica in November 2024, provided an excellent forum for sharing information and updates related to radiation processing science and industry. With a program covering many topics, the IMRP 2024 program provided impactful content for a diverse audience. Members of the...

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The Phytosanitary Irradiation Platform (PsIP) was formed by iia to focus on the advancement of the commercialisation of phytosanitary irradiation globally. PsIP is the phytosanitary irradiation industry's only independent and global development organisation. The operational team is made up of international members of the phytosanitary...

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The mission of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is to regulate the movement of commodities that could harbor invasive plant pests, protecting the agriculture, environment, and economy of the United States....

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1999: 'High-Dose Irradiation: Wholesomeness of Food Irradiated with Doses Above 10 kGy' full report A joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)/International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)/World Health Organization (WHO) study group on High-Dose Irradiation produced a report after testing the wholesomeness of food...

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US-based organisation SureBeam was a leading provider of electron beam food safety systems and services for the food industry. Founded in 2001 with promises of market domination, the company ceased to operate 16 January 2004 after short and controversial tenure. SureBeam Public Citizen factsheet: 'The Story...

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The open access journal materials is preparing a special issue on Sustainable Reactive Processing of Raw Materials and Polymer Compounds to be published in December 2019. This Special Issue aims to presented a collection of the latest research    on    sustainable    reactive    processes    for    the chemical   modification   of   raw  ...

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The Rhisotope project is a fine example of the varied and beneficial applications of isotopes. The project aims to reduce the illicit trade in Rhino horn along with the associated poaching that results in the death and mutilation of many of the remaining rhinoceros population. Profesor...

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Genetically Modified and Irradiated Food - 1st Edition Controversial Issues: Facts versus Perceptions  This new book published by Elsevier explains the technologies used in these processes so they can be understood by those in general public health, scientific organizations, politicians and opinion makers/policymakers. The facts presented include a...

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