The iia continues its support of IAEA’s Denial of Shipment Working Group
The iia has confirmed that it will continue its support of the IAEA’s Denial of Shipment Working Group (DOS WG) in 2024. This support is by way of a financial contribution to pay for an expert consultant to manage the working group and its activities for a second year and it follows the same contribution made by iia in 2023.
The DOS WG was set up by the IAEA to consider options for addressing denials of or delays in shipment of radioactive material with a view of achieving a timely resolution of this issue. At its inaugural meeting in January 2023 members of the DOS WG from IAEA Member States, international organisations and non-governmental organisations developed an action plan and appointed a leadership team to help meet the DOS WG objectives over a four year term.
Most recently, it is reported that 37 National Focal Points (NFP) have been appointed by IAEA Member States with more confirmed for appointment. The role of NFPs is to coordinate and communicate at a national level with all stakeholders in the solution of denials and delays. This includes the development of a national action plan to solve denials, training in the area of shipment of radioactive material, and maintaining a national network for coordinating work related to the denials and delays of shipment of radioactive material. Plans to provide training for NFPs are in place for the second half of 2024.
The DOS WG has proposed a ‘Code of Conduct for the Facilitation of Safe and Secure Transport of Radioactive Material’ and, also under development, are joint IAEA/IMO e-learning modules on sea transport of radioactive material.
Members of the iia can view all details about the Gamma Working Group via this link to the Information Hub.