Science & Research

IAEA Radiation Processing Webinar Series 1

The IAEA is hosting a series of webinars on a range of radiation processing topics.  It is anticipated that webinars will be available monthly and iia is in discussion with IAEA on how it can contribute to these events.  If members of the irradiation community...

The IAEA is hosting a series of webinars on a range of radiation processing topics.  It is anticipated that webinars will be available monthly and iia is in discussion with IAEA on how it can contribute to these events.  If members of the irradiation community...

AAMI recently published a collection of articles in their publication ‘Industrial Sterilization: Material Compatibility & Process Optimisation’. Under Material Compatibility, articles include: ‘Effects of Electron Beam Sterilization on Polytetrafluoroethylene: Design of Experiments Study’ 'Effect of Gamma and X-ray Irradiation on Polymers Commonly Used in Healthcare Products’ Under...

This article, published in BI&T/AAMI Array, presents a novel method and detector system for use in radiation processing using X-ray.  The system would allow real-time monitoring of each pallet being processed and ensure that the correct X-ray beam is directed to the product.  The process...

The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) has announced the recipients of their 2024 awards, presented at their AAMI/FDA neXus conference. These accolades recognise individuals who have made substantial contributions to advancing the science, ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical devices, and...

The iia Gamma Working Group (GWG) continued to progress its various initiatives during 2023 with good engagement by its members and partners. Thank you to all individuals that contributed and the organisations that participated in trials and assessments during the year. Cybersecurity Project The ultimate objective...

The IAEA initiated a technical cooperation project for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLA1021) in 2022. The main objective of this project is to strengthen the competitiveness of regional agro-industrial economies. It is believed that irradiation technologies for phytosanitary purposes, can be used to minimize...

Our member the Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP in Dresden, Germany, is intensively working on low-energy electron beam processes in aqueous biosystems in the field of medical and biotechnological applications. To date, there is no satisfactory tool to determine dose...

The International Irradiation Association plans to introduce a leadership program early in 2023. The leadership program will act as a bridge between academic studies and the irradiation industry. Focused on graduates nearing the end of their studies the program will give participants a broad overview of...

The pre-conference training course Radiation Processing for Advanced and Renewable Materials: From Basics to Industrialisation is being held at the Faculty of Science at Kasetsart university in Bangkok this week. 24 students from 13 countries are attending the course which runs from 2-4 November 2022. Lecturers...

Professor Xavier Coqueret, a polymer chemist from the Universite de Reims Champagne Ardenne in France, has been appointed to the board of the International Irradiation Association. Xavier is a well known and well respected member international irradiation community.    ...

The use of low energy electron beams keeps expanding and more applications are emerging. Our member Fraunhofer FEP just announced that they succeeded in producing anti-adhesive coatings on plastic film by applying low energy accelerated electrons without the use of additional chemical crosslinking agents. Electrons functionalize...

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