
Reduce, Reuse, Irradiate: IAEA Supports Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific to Recycle Plastic Waste

The IAEA, through the NUclear TEChnology for Controlling Plastic Pollution (NUTEC Plastics) initiative, is supporting experts and decision makers in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to help create solutions that will reduce plastic waste. A series of national stakeholder meetings between 2022 and 2024 has enabled countries’ experts to...

Attendees of IMRP 2024 can now view Tech Theatre and Plenary presentations on the event web app. In order to revisit these presentations, you will need to log in to your IMRP 2024 account using the information used when registering for the conference. Tech Theatre Presentations...

Due to its growing importance, there is much interest world-wide in sustainability, including in the radiation processing industry. A number of companies and organisations are undertaking sustainability studies and have already made presentations on what they have learnt. To reflect this interest and importance, a Sustainability...

The IAEA and its partners, under the NUTEC Plastics initiative, are researching and developing ionizing radiation techniques to affordably reprocess and recycle plastics. These techniques involve using electron beam to irradiate post-consumer plastics to enable them the be easily reformed and recycled into other products. In...

Ionisos, a member of iia, recently published its annual sustainability report for 2022. The report highlights the company’s progress in key areas of sustainability including reduction of carbon footprint, a focus on energy efficiency, and the use of renewable energy sources.  The report is available...

I.FAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) recently ran their annual student challenge, exploring environmental and societal applications of accelerator technology. The Challenge Based Innovation (I.FAST-CBI) project gathered 24 students from across Europe to attend ten days of high-level seminars on accelerators their environmental applications....

The IAEA initiated a technical cooperation project for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLA1021) in 2022. The main objective of this project is to strengthen the competitiveness of regional agro-industrial economies. It is believed that irradiation technologies for phytosanitary purposes, can be used to minimize...

The latest iia publication - The development of radiation processing in Latin America and the Caribbean Region is now available in the publications section of our website. Latin America and the Caribbean Region have an established history of scientific research and the commercial application of radiation processing....

Our member BGS is participating in the HoT-BRo2 project of the Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites at Hannover University that aims to develop thermoplastic bioplastics and biocomposites suitable for use at high-temperatures. The purpose is to substitute oil-based plastics with bio-based plastics in the engine...

After Ahmedabad, a second gamma irradiation facility is about to go online in the central Indian city of Indore. Designed to process 5 tons per hour of dry sewage,  this facility is part of the Swachh Bharat (clean India) program .Cobalt-60 has been loaded commissioning...

From November 22 to 27, 2021, our member ARC-Nucleart, in collaboration with the IAEA,  hosted a workshop and meeting of experts in Grenoble, France on radiation technologies for cultural heritage preservation. The event attracted over 100 participants from Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Europe, and...

The Rhisotope project is a fine example of the varied and beneficial applications of isotopes. The project aims to reduce the illicit trade in Rhino horn along with the associated poaching that results in the death and mutilation of many of the remaining rhinoceros population. Profesor...

In order to highlight the contribution of non-energy solutions of the nuclear industry to the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDG's) of the United Nations, Rosatom organised aside event on the margins of COP26 on Monday 8 November 2021. Moderator of the session was Polina Lion,...

The IAEA is hosting a virtual round table discussion and debate issues associated with plastic pollution and the role that nuclear technologies can play in addressing the problem. The sessions will include: Nuclear technologies for recycling and for marine micro plastic monitoring, plus the programmatic...

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