Sustainability at IMRP 2024 and the iia
Due to its growing importance, there is much interest world-wide in sustainability, including in the radiation processing industry. A number of companies and organisations are undertaking sustainability studies and have already made presentations on what they have learnt.
To reflect this interest and importance, a Sustainability plenary session is being arranged at IMRP 2024. This will include a Key Note introduction from an expert in the field, followed by a Round Table discussion and presentations from a number of companies that have been doing sustainability studies.
IMRP 2024 is being held in Costa Rica, a country that has several impressive sustainability practices that has earned it a high ranking on the Sustainable Development Goals Index. In addition to its sustainability practices, Costa Rica also has a strong environmental track record, putting them as one of the frontrunners in the quest for carbon neutrality. In 2020, IMRP20 in Bangkok was measured against sustainability and environmental targets and met the requirements of the responsible public bureau. For IMRP 2024, the iia is working towards Blue Flag Program Certification which supports local sustainability efforts in Costa Rica.
The iia will be taking a greater role in the sustainability of radiation processing after IMRP 2024 where we aim to develop an understanding of the opportunities and challenges, and the needs of the irradiation industry. We aim to coordinate activities that will benefit radiation processing applications and technologies and leverage the iia’s working groups to bring industry together to address the identified needs.
The iia welcomes input from its members and is particularly interested in identifying ongoing work in this area and hearing from individuals who are interested in being involved in iia’s future sustainability initiatives. If you would like to be involved then please contact Rob Edgecock at redgecock@iiaglobal.com.