Safety & Security

Work of iia’s Gamma Working Group presented at ICONS 2024

The fourth IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS 2024) was held in Vienna, Austria from 20-24 May 2024.  Since 2013, this meeting has become a key event for the nuclear security community with more than 2400 registered participants in 2020. ICONS 2024 provided a...

The fourth IAEA International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS 2024) was held in Vienna, Austria from 20-24 May 2024.  Since 2013, this meeting has become a key event for the nuclear security community with more than 2400 registered participants in 2020. ICONS 2024 provided a...

Irradiation operators and iia members have created a new group - 'France Rayonnements Ionisants' (FRI) with the support and involvement of Yves Henon (IMRP Laureate and iia board director).  The recently created group promoting the safe and beneficial use of irradiation in France, will organize...

The iia formed the Gamma Working Group (GWG) in 2019 in order to collaborate with industry, support gamma irradiation technology and respond to industry needs as and when required.  Over the last 3 years the group has been highly engaged and productive working on a...

France and the United States established the Ad Hoc Working Group on Alternatives to High-Activity Radioactive Sources in 2015 to provide an open forum for States to share information, ideas, views, and experiences on the use of alternatives to technologies that use highly radioactive sources. ...

The Transport Facilitation Working Group (TFWG), of which iia is a member, ran the webinars ‘Appointing a National Focal Point on Denials of Shipment of Radioactive Material’ on 22 & 23 July 2021.  The webinars were aimed at IAEA Member States to raise awareness and...

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The Government of Ontario in partnership with the Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council, Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries and McMaster University is organizing virtual trade missions to Europe and the United States focused on medical isotopes. The iia is a member of the Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council...

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The International Irradiation Association (iia) is seeking applications from those who would like to join a small team who are responsible for the development and implementation of Association initiatives. The iia represents a diverse international community of organisations involved in the science and use of ionising...

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The Transport Facilitation Working Group (TFWG), of which iia is a member, is running a short awareness programme aimed at IAEA Member States that are considering appointing a National Focal Point (NFP) for denials of shipments of radioactive material.  The role of the NFP is...

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The 'Ad Hoc Meeting of Stakeholder States Involved with Technological Alternatives to High-Risk Radioactive Sources' was held between 14 and 18 June 2021. The meeting sponsored by the United States, France and Germany but attracts international participation. Participants exchanged views and shared experiences on transitioning to alternative...

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On June 14, 2021 the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Washington DC released the report titled Radioactive Sources: Applications and Alternative Technologies. The iia contributed to this report in various forms. Chapter 5 deals with radioactive sources and alternative technologies for medical...

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The IAEA recently hosted a virtual workshop to promote the beneficial applications or irradiation technologies. The International Irradiation Association and a number of iia members were in attendance and presented at the meeting. An IAEA article about the event can be found via this link: IAEA...

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On 16th February the iia attended the IAEA Webinar on ‘Core-training for Security of Radioactive Material in Use and Storage and Associated Facilities’.  This webinar highlighted some of the training provided by IAEA on security of radioactive material; physical protection systems for radioactive material and...

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A request for proposal has been published by IAEA concerning the safe storage of disused cobalt-60 sources with facility upgrade and provision, installation and qualification of a new source rack with twelve new Co‐60 pencils in an existing panoramic irradiator. The facility is located at...

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