Enhancing the iia website

Recognising the important role our website plays, the iia continually strives to enhance and upgrade the resources we offer to our members.

New Chinese Language Area

We are excited to announce the addition of a dedicated Chinese language section to the iia website, to enhance the website experience for our Chinese members. This new area currently provides an overview of the iia’s structure, work, and provides translations of selected iia publications. The iia is continuing it’s work, and will soon release more information about upcoming China-specific initiatives.

Information Hub

Our Information Hub has recently received significant updates, specifically to the Food, Phytosanitary, Gamma, Eb/X, and Environmental sections. These updates are accessible to all iia members, and we are committed to keeping our Information Hub up to date. If you need specific information that you cannot find, please contact us at info@iiaglobal.com.

Upgrades to our About Us page

The most significant recent change to our website is the upgrade of the About Us page. The iia team has restructured this section to more effectively showcase our initiatives, working groups, global connections, board members, and operational team. With this update, we hope to provide a clear view on the structure and work of the iia to members and non-members alike.

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