Instructive Surfaces and Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

An interesting Coordinated Research Project (CRP) was initiated by the IAEA in 2017. The aim is to develop the opportunity of using radiation technologies for the advancement of sciences and health care, particularly related to systems for Tissue engineering.

Project Name:

Instructive Surfaces and Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Using Radiation Technology

Tissue engineering is poised to revolutionize medicine by shifting the focus of treatment from addressing the symptoms, roots and causes of diseases to repair and regeneration. Regenerative medicine involving cell therapy is an emerging field that seeks to combine the knowledge and expertise of diverse disciplines towards the aim of restoring impaired tissue/organ functions in the body. This paradigm shift will have huge impact in both developed and developing countries. Radiation technologies plays a role in facilitating and speeding up the development of tissue engineering by addressing some of its challenges and opportunities, such as preparation/optimization of instructive scaffolds and their sterilization.

First published by iia in June 2017


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