New iia/WINS security effectiveness assessment methodology
The iia and WINS (World Institute for Nuclear Security) has jointly published an update to their ‘Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of security arrangements at gamma irradiation facilities’.
The original methodology was published in 2021 with industry input from members of the iia Gamma Working Group and following a trial assessment at a European gamma irradiation facility. This updated methodology is modified to better facilitate self-assessment by operators, rather than a third party assessment that was the focus of the original publication.
The methodology follows a 5-step process describing the planning phase, preparation for the review, conducting the assessment, reporting key finding, and the follow-up activities to implement recommendations. It covers 7 key security areas: governance arrangements; physical protection; response to security incidents; security awareness and culture; cybersecurity; information security; and personnel security. The methodology includes examples of indicators demonstrating effective and resilient arrangements in each security area and provides tools for benchmarking security performance against best practices. Sample questions, guidance, tips and example reports are also provided.
The methodology document can be viewed and downloaded at this link.