iia Presenting at Kilmer 2025
The iia will attend and present at Kilmer 2025 Next Generation, Microbiological Quality & Sterility Assurance Conference, taking place 3 – 6 February in Orlando, Florida (USA).
Arthur Dumba, iia General Manager, presentation and abstract:
Analysis and Considerations for the use of Low Energy Electrons for Sterilization
Low energy electrons, between 250 and 800 keV, are already used for a wide range of applications and their potential for the sterilization of medical products and pharmaceuticals has also been recognised. The accelerator technology is compact and can be self-shielding, allowing inline use, and high dose rates are available. The low penetration can be beneficial for some applications, enabling the decontamination of the external surfaces of products or packaging, with no impact on the contents. As well as highlighting the benefits of using low energy systems, this presentation will discuss what needs to be considered before implementation, such as infrastructure, dosimetry, regulation and the practical use for sterilization applications.
Contact Arthur: adumba@iiaglobal.com
Thomas Kroc, iia US Representative, presentation and abstract:
Developments in High-Power Electron Accelerators
A megacurie of cobalt-60 produces about 15 kW of photon energy. The dose resulting from such exposure is easily achieved with an electron beam used for direct e-beam irradiation. However, if X-rays are desired, between 120 and 150 kW of beam power is required to produce the equivalent 15 kW of photons. We report on efforts to develop high-power electron accelerators operating at 100s of kWs to provide megacurie equivalent product throughput. These accelerators utilize the latest developments in superconducting technology used in today’s discovery science laboratories to provide compact, robust systems for industrial applications.
Contact Thomas: tkroc@iiaglobal.com
If you are planning to attend Kilmer 2025, we encourage you to reach out to Arthur or Thomas to discuss their presentations and learn more about membership with the iia.