iia Eb/X Working Group: 2024 Round Up

The iia created the Eb/X Working Group in early 2024, to provide information to iia members who are interested in implementing Ebeam or X-ray technologies for radiation processing purposes. The group also aims to understand the needs and requirements of users of the technologies and feed this information back to the manufacturers. The working group consists of a core panel and an extended panel which currently consists of iia team members and independent experts.

Important publications and initiatives were successfully completed during the first year of the Eb/X Working Group (WG):

In September of 2024, the iia launched the Eb/X Systems and Suppliers Database. The aim of the database is to provide a comprehensive list of suppliers of ebeam or x-ray related equipment and services, and links to get in touch with the suppliers. All suppliers are encouraged to check the database and send any modifications or additions to Rob Edgecock (redgecock@iiaglobal.com).

October 2024, just before IMRP 2024, the Eb/X WG published the Roadmap to an Electron Beam or X-ray Center for Industrial Applications which can be used in conjunction with the Systems and Suppliers Database. The Roadmap guides those new to the technologies on what they need to consider to allow an effective feasibility analysis to be performed before they embark on the implementation of either Ebeam or X-ray. It avoids technical detail, but refers users to where this can be found, should it be necessary. This document is open-access and can be found at iia Publications.

Alongside the above projects, the Eb/X WG released the ‘An Introduction to Low Energy Electron Beams‘ factsheet. Low energy electron beams have been used for many years for a variety of applications, particularly those for which their short range is an advantage. However, due to their much lower costs, there is now growing interest in its use for other applications. To provide guidance for possible new users, the Eb/X group produced the An Introduction to Low Energy Electron Beams which describes the technology and applications of these electron beams. This document is open-access and can be found at iia Publications.

Please contact Rob Edgecock (redgecock@iiaglobal.com) if you wish to propose an Eb/X WG initiative for 2025 or wish to discuss the work of the group.

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