Sustainable treatment of seeds and feedstuffs using accelerated electrons
Our member the Fraunhofer Institute FEP announced the creation in July 2021 of a joint venture with Ceravis AG, an agricultural trading group that primarily serves the entrepreneurial agricultural sector in Northern Germany. The newly formed E-VITA GmbH is dedicated to the chemical-free, sustainable treatment of seeds and feedstuffs to free them from pathogenic fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Based on the microbial effects of accelerated electrons, the treatment is a proven and economical alternative to chemical dressing with fungicides. “Our focus is not only on disinfection of the grain itself, but also on comprehensive treatment of the seed with biological stimulants to sustainably increase yields and improve resistance,” explains André Weidauer, Managing Director of E-VITA GmbH. The soft electron treatment ensures that the electrons only penetrate the shell of the seeds to exclude any effect on the embryo and endosperm inside the seed. Initially developed in the 1980s at the Manfred von Ardenne research institute (Germany), the technique was brought to industrial maturity by Fraunhofer FEP in long-term development projects with independent institutes and companies. The use of biostimulants in combination with the E-VITA® process, results in increased yields, improved nutrient efficiency and long-lasting protection. E-VITA offers interested users, such as growers, contractors and commercial processors, system technology for rent and for purchase as well as contract treatment of seeds on site by E-VITA.
For more information see the press release.