Seminar: Retailer & Consumer Attitude towards PI in New Zealand
On Thursday 11th November at 1pm (NZDT), the Stakeholder and Consumer Intelligence Team of the Plant and Food Research X-Ray Working Group will hold a virtual research seminar (Zoom) about retailer and consumer attitudes toward phytosanitary irradiation.
Irradiation using X-Ray has significant potential as a phytosanitary treatment for fruit and vegetables and as a potential replacement for methyl bromide fumigation. While irradiated fruit and vegetables have now been purchased for years in New Zealand, global consumer studies have indicated consumer negativity and even fear towards food irradiation,. As a result, retailers may be resistant to stocking irradiated products due to labelling requirements and possible consumer reactions.
During the seminar, the findings from two studies will be presented:
- Firstly, Business to Consumer (B2C) Retailers’ views on selling X-Ray treated produce to their customers and what influences their decisions. The research team conducted 12 in-depth interviews with New Zealand Fruit and Vegetable Retailers from Supermarket chains, Food Kit delivery companies and Food Service Outlets.
- Secondly, results from an online survey of 1,000 New Zealand consumers measuring their attitudes to X-ray as a food treatment, and their choice between the alternatives of X-Ray and methyl bromide.
These presentation will be followed by an open discussion on how further dialogue and education can be conducted across the supply chain and with consumers.
For more information contact Tracey Phelps , The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited.