The latest NICSTAR meeting was held in Kochi, Kerala, India between 9 and 12 January 2023. The event, hosted by NAARRI, builds on previous meetings and reflects a further re-engagement of the international irradiation community after the challenges created by coronavirus.
The meeting including international participation from countries including the USA and Russia.
International presentations included an update by Sandia laboratories who provided information on the cobalt obscurant project that was reported at a joint via/WINS meeting after IMRP20 in Bangkok last November. The iia Gamma Working Group continues to engage with Sandia on this and other projects. The Sandia project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy via the Office for Radiological Security (ORS).
Rosatom were also present at NICSTAR where they gave a presentation on isotope products. For more information click on the following link: Rosatom
The iia team were not present at NICSTAR but the importance of iia was highlighted by the following message on the inside front cover of the conference book.