iia publishes ‘Roadmap to an Electron Beam or X-ray Center for Industrial Applications’

The iia ‘Roadmap to an Electron Beam or X-ray Center for Industrial Applications’ is intended for executives, strategic decision makers and others with an interest in the use of electron beams and/or X-rays for their business.

The Roadmap introduces the topics that need consideration to allow an effective feasibility analysis of electron beam and X-ray technologies. It assumes limited prior knowledge and aims to enable a thorough analysis of the potential of these technologies and their respective effect on the business. The focus of the Roadmap is on business topics but it does provide links to where additional technical information can be found. It also describes current applications of the technologies to demonstrate their potential.

The Roadmap document is available at this link →

The Roadmap can be used in conjunction with the ‘Eb/X Systems and Suppliers Database’  that is maintained by iia.  This database provides details of organisations and companies that can supply equipment and services to investors in e-beams and/or X-rays.

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