iia publishes Database of Eb/X Systems and Suppliers
The iia has published a database of Electron Beam and X-ray Systems and Suppliers that provides details of organisations that are able to supply equipment and services to investors in industrial irradiation.
This database includes Eb/X equipment suppliers with details of their location, irradiation technology and other services that they supply, and the typical applications that their technology can serve. It is fully searchable and filterable so investors can easily identify suppliers of Eb/X technology that can meet their needs or the needs of their market. The database also includes details of organisations that can supply support services such as dosimetry and expert consultancy.
The database can be found at this link to the iia Information Hub. If you have any feedback or a request to update the database then please contact Rob Edgecock (redgecock@iiaglobal.com) of the iia Eb/X Working Group. The iia will update the database periodically as details of new information and suppliers becomes available.
The database can be used in conjunction with the iia’s ‘Roadmap to Opening an Electron Beam / X-ray Center’. This document will be published by iia at the end-October 2024 and aims to enable investors in Eb/X to perform an effective feasibility and business analysis by identifying all the topics that need to be considered before embarking on the project.