ARC-Nucléart joins iia
The iia is pleased to welcome ARC-Nucléart as its latest new member. ARC-Nucléart is an organization of public interest of which the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), the Ministry of Culture, and the city of Grenoble are a part. Founded in the 1970s and located on the site of the Grenoble Nuclear Research Centre City, ARC-Nucléart operates a workshop and a research laboratory dedicated to the preservation of historical heritage (mummy of Ramses II, 18th century wooden floor of a museum in Grenoble) and conservation of waterlogged archaeological artefacts (lake Paladru in Charavines near Grenoble). The permanent team of about 20 people has a wide range of skills in physics, chemistry, mechanics, biology, and entomology.
The missions of Arc-Nucléart now include conservation and restoration of cultural heritage artefacts made of organic and porous materials (wood, leather, fibers), research on material degradation and development of new treatment methodologies that could lead to large scale applications.
ARC-Nucléart uses a 2,000 TBq cobalt-60 pool irradiator for biocidal treatment of cultural heritage artefacts and to consolidate objects with radiation curable resins. The irradiator is also made available for research and development programs in other fields such as biology, agriculture and microelectronics.
Further information about ARC-Nucléart is available at www.arc-nucleart.fr