Bioplastics for high-temperature applications
Our member BGS is participating in the HoT-BRo2 project of the Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites at Hannover University that aims to develop thermoplastic bioplastics and biocomposites suitable for use at high-temperatures. The purpose is to substitute oil-based plastics with bio-based plastics in the engine compartment of combustion engines. Priority is given to the automotive industry.
The initial focus is on the development of suitable material formulations with superior mechanical, thermal and chemical performance. The reference components of the industrial partners are a turbocharger charge air tube, a commercial vehicle liquid filter module, a thermal management module and a cable gland. The aim is to have more than half of biobased product in the overall formulation, which should be at least 50 %. The technologies will include extrusion blow molding and injection molding as well as radiation crosslinking, welding, and bonding. A life cycle assessment will be carried out to review the sustainability of the developed materials.
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