About Us

The International Irradiation Association is a not-for-profit organisation, which aims to support the global irradiation industry and scientific community.

A core objective of the Association is to support members in advancing the safe and beneficial use of irradiation. Communication, Education and Advocacy are key functions performed by the iia on behalf of its members and the wider irradiation community.

Membership of the Association is diverse and includes corporations, research institutes, universities and governmental bodies around the world. The Association has forged relationships with regional, national or technology specific organisations whose aims are aligned with those of the iia. Our members are leaders in the irradiation community.

The International Irradiation Association organises the International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP) which is the premier event for all involved in the business and science of radiation processing. The first meeting was held in Puerto Rico in 1976. The next, 21st, meeting will be held in Costa Rica in November 2024.

The iia has recently established the Phytosanitary Irradiation Platform (PsIP) and is a leading partner in the Society for Sterility Assurance Professionals (SfSAP). Both initiatives have independent websites which allow them to focus on specific areas of interest and activity.

The iia endeavours to strengthen the relationship between business and science and recognises the contribution that science makes to the commercial application of radiation technologies.

The Association has an experienced management team and an elected board of directors.

Our Global Reach

This website is accessed by visitors from approximately 160 countries each year. Below you can see where our visitors came from in 2021.













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