Joint iia/WINS Workshop on Security of Gamma Irradiation Facilities at IMRP20

The iia is pleased to announce details of the joint iia/WINS Workshop on the Security of Gamma Irradiation Facilities.  This full day workshop will be held on Friday 11th November 2022 during the 20th International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP20) in Bangkok, Thailand.

The objectives of the workshop are to update on best practice in gamma irradiator security, share experience and review various approaches for mitigating the radiological security risk.  This will include presentations and discussion about the importance of a robust organisational structure for security, key physical security features and the role of security awareness and culture amongst staff and managers.  Innovative topics, such as new physical security features and the importance of cyber security, will also be reviewed. Finally, the key findings of the trial of the joint iia/WINS security assessment methodology will be presented.

The workshop is aimed at operators and suppliers of gamma irradiators, regulators, law enforcement and those with a wider interest in the security of radioactive sources.  The workshop is open to all and we particularly welcome participation from people and organisations from Asia that have not previously had the opportunity to attend an irradiator security workshop.  Participation is free of charge, limited to 70 people and registration is via the WINS website.

For further details and to apply for participation, please visit this link to the WINS website.

Please contact Martin Comben at iia ( if you have any questions about this event.


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