iia Eb/X Working Group Starts Preparation of a Roadmap to Ebeam and X-ray and a Suppliers Directory Funded by the NNSA ORS
The iia Eb/X Working Group (Eb/X WG) was re-established in late 2023 following successful industry collaboration that resulted in the publication of the iia ‘Guide for Prospective Buyers of Accelerators for Sterilization of Medical Devices’
The objective of the Eb/X WG is to support iia members in the development of ebeam and X-ray technologies and applications, and to respond to industry needs as and when they arise. There is also a recognition that low energy ebeam could benefit from greater attention and focus from the iia.
As an initial project, the re-established group has started work on the production of an ebeam and X-ray Roadmap document and a database of equipment manufacturers. The iia has received funding from the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Radiological Security (ORS), via Sandia National Laboratories, to complete this project in advance of IMRP 2024.
The Roadmap will provide guidance for senior managers who are interested in a move to ebeam and/or X-ray, but are unsure how to proceed. It will show what needs to be considered and where additional information can be found.
The database will give detailed information on the equipment available and who the suppliers are. It will enable managers to find the most appropriate equipment for their needs in the region that they will use it.
The current membership of the Eb/X WG is Martin Comben (iia), Rob Edgecock (iia), Jodi Lieberman (Sandia National Laboratories), Jörn Meissner (Meissner Consulting GmbH) and Peng Wei (Beijing Lituoxinda Technology Company Ltd). The group will be expanded and opened up to members of iia that have an interest in ebeam and X-ray later this year. If you would like more information, please contact the Eb/X WG manager at redgecock@iiaglobal.com.