Global Partners

Our Global Partners encompass regional associations globally, with which we have established formal partnerships to cooperate, exchange information, and combine efforts to advance our industry. These Global Partners typically consist of other industry associations serving their respective regions and specialties.

ALATI (Latin America Association of 
Irradiation Technology)

ALATI (Latin America Association of 
Irradiation Technology)

Latin America
ALATI is an association dedicated to the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge on irradiation throughout Latin America. Their mission is to unite irradiators and supply providers, fostering collaboration and driving the advancement of the industry in the region. They represent the interests of their members in the market and advocate on their behalf before national governments.
China Isotope & Radiation Association (CIRA)

China Isotope & Radiation Association (CIRA)

The China Isotope and Radiation Association (CIRA) was formed to promote the Chinese isotope and radiation processing industry and to support the development of the social economy of China. CIRA operates through 6 branches Isotope Professionals, Radiation Processing, Radiation Medicine & Protection, Radiation Safety, Standards and International Cooperation. The main aim of the association is to actively promote the development of the irradiation industry, to promote technological progress, safeguard legitimate rights and interests of the industry/members, to support China's isotope and radiation industry, and to promote national socialist modernization. CIRA provides a professional exchange and communication platform for its members, through which members can exchange views with entrepreneurs, scholars, experts and regulators in the industry. CIRA also promotes the interests of industry to the regulatory authorities. It regularly organizes professional conferences and forums to highlight developments in the industry, to promote potential business opportunities, and to facilitate engagement with organizations that CIRA works with.
GIPA (Gamma Industry Processing Alliance)

GIPA (Gamma Industry Processing Alliance)

GIPA represents North American leaders in the gamma processing industry. They are committed to collaborative action and quickly addressing emerging challenges that impact the future potential of gamma processing in North America. GIPA’s mission is to uphold the industrial application of gamma irradiation as a safe, secure, and indispensable technology. This includes ensuring its continued use in sterilising healthcare products, bolstering food safety, and advancing agricultural and industrial processes.
The Irradiation Panel

The Irradiation Panel

The Irradiation Panel, a not-for-profit industry association, convenes biannually to advance radiation processing. Their diverse membership includes suppliers, users, regulatory bodies, and consultants. The Panel’s mission is to serve as the foremost experts, facilitating the growth and improvement of radiation processing, while aiming to be accessible and responsive, aiding industry challenges with agility.
NAARRI (National Association for Application of 
Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry)

NAARRI (National Association for Application of 
Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry)

Established in 1976, NAARRI in India promotes collaboration among institutions and entrepreneurs using radioisotope and radiation technologies. With over 1300 lifetime members and 50 institutional lifetime members, NAARRI organises conferences and seminars to advance these technologies globally. Notably, NICSTAR-2018 facilitated connections among professionals, with the aim of technological and economic growth.

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